24.4 Reflections on using lecture capture to record library skills sessions Geoff Morgan, Oxford Brookes

To record or not to record? That has been a topic for debate in academic circles and indeed many institutions have moved to a system of capture by default. However for Geoff there is no debate, lecture capture simply suits his teaching style. Geoff doesn’t use PowerPoint and his sessions could be described as “unscripted”. Instead he engages students with questions and ad-libbed demonstrations. He doesn’t mind if things “go wrong” as that is authentic to the searching experience. Geoff uses the recordings to reflect on his teaching. He also gets ideas for FAQs and a sense of the level of student engagement based on the amount of laughter and in-class feedback. But it doesn’t end there because Geoff uploads his captures to YouTube which brings additional benefits e.g. automatically generated transcripts, viewing analytics and viewer feedback. This was a very short presentation which certainly provided new food for thought.

Reviewed by:
Ginny Franklin | Loughborough University

Photos by David Stacey:


The Queen’s Building at DMU


Conference venue: Vijay Patel Building


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